Company News


The Development and Reform Commission of Shandong Province visited Jiejing for investigation

The second-level researcher from the Marine Economic Division of the Shandong Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Xiang Guofeng and his delegation came to Rizhao to investigate the development of marine characteristic industry clusters on 9th May. "Measures for the Management of Marine Characteristic Industry Cluster Areas (Outline)" to solicit opinions and listen to suggestions from industrial park enterprises.

Party Secretary and Director of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Qiao Yu, and Xie Mingxue, Vice President of the Municipal Economic Development Research Institute, Chen Ning, Deputy Director of the Economic Development Bureau of Rizhao Economic and Technological Development Zone, etc. accompanied the investigation. Xu Li, Executive President of Jiejing, Enterprise Development Department Minister,Wang Bin received the meeting. The research team interpreted the 《Measures》and provided guidance on the implementation of 《Measures》by enterprises in the marine characteristic industrial park. Xu Li made a work report based on the actual situation of the company and expressed that he would actively respond to the implementation of the "Measures" and promote the development of the company.