Company News


The 4th "Celebrating New Year's Day '7S' Site Management Achievements" employee s’ photography exhibition of Jiejing was successfully completed

On Jan. 9, the results of the 4th "Celebrating New Year's Day '7S' Site Management Achievements" employees’ photography exhibition competition of Jiejing Group were announced. This photo exhibition has received the active participation and support of the staff and departments, and 37 works had been obtained. After nearly a month of manuscript collection, judges and staff voting, a total of 3 first prizes, 6 second prizes and 10 third prizes were selected.

 Works Display

Since the implementation of "7S" site management in 2015, through the joint efforts of all levels and employees of the company, all departments and workshops have made qualitative leaps in production site management, process technology innovation, equipment safety improvement, product quality assurance and other aspects, forming a "7S" management system with the company's own characteristics, which is deeply embedded in Jiejing's corporate culture. After this photo exhibition, Jiejing's "7S" management level will be further improved.