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Jia Gang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and vice mayor, along with his delegation came to Jiejing to inspect the safety work

In the afternoon of Jan. 4, Jia Gang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Vice Mayor, and his delegation came to Jiejing to inspect safety production. Du Wei, Deputy Secretary General of Rizhao Municipal Government, Qiao Yongqian, Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of Rizhao Emergency Management Bureau, and Gu Maolin, member of the working committee and deputy director of the management committee of Rizhao Economic and Technological Development Zone, came for research together. Lin Chengbin, Jiejing CEO, reported the work, accompanied by Xu Li, chief executive director, Teng Huaihua, Chief Safety Director, and Li  Zhaoshan, Director of Safety Department.


CEO Lin and Mayor Jia, along with the delegation visited the propylene oxide tank farm, made a detailed report on the safe use and management measures of propylene oxide. CEO Lin introduced in the report that Jiejing Group has firmly implemented the Work Safety Law, laws and regulations for many years, the working policy of "safety first, prevention first, and comprehensive treatment". It is necessary to carry out intensive safety risk management and three-year special action, comprehensively carry out diagnostic hidden danger troubleshooting and rectification action, strengthen special operation inspection and maintenance management and major hazard source management. Continuously promote the "three modernizations" work and safety education and training management, implement the responsibility for safe production, take positive and effective measures, and eliminate any production safety accidents and process abnormalities.


In the safety production informatization management system center, Chief Safety Director Teng Huaihua explained the safety production informatization management system to Mayor Jia and his delegation under the demonstration of the staff. Director Teng introduced that the system mainly realizes safety production risk monitoring and early warning, informatization of dual prevention mechanism; Informatization of special operation process; Personnel automatic positioning; Intelligent video monitoring; All elements of safety production information management and other functions. In production practice, real-time monitoring of key areas such as control room, production devices and storage facilities can be realized; Identification, alarm and record of open fire, smoke and other abnormal conditions; Online monitoring of risk points, online release of hidden danger troubleshooting tasks, and real-time recording of personnel inspection routes; The information management of the whole process of hazardous operations has greatly improved the efficiency of enterprise safety production management, and realized the intelligent safety production management and information transformation and upgrading.


Mayor Jia requested that we should improve our political position, strengthen our bottom line thinking and sense of hardship, go all out to do a perfect job in all aspects of work safety. Especially the Spring Festival is coming, the enterprise must pay close attention to safety so that the majority of workers can have a happy and peaceful New Year.